BULKDEON 25mg 30mL






  • Benefits: YK-11 is often referred to as a myostatin inhibitor, which means it may have the potential to increase muscle growth beyond what traditional SARMs can achieve. It’s also believed to enhance bone health and strength.
  • Dosage: Typical dosages for YK-11 range from 5mg to 10mg per day. Due to its potency, users often start with lower doses and gradually increase as needed.
  • Effects: Users may experience significant muscle gains, increased strength, and improvements in bone density. YK-11’s mechanism of action is unique compared to other SARMs, and it may offer more profound effects on muscle growth.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol):

  • Benefits: LGD-4033 is well-known for its ability to promote lean muscle mass gains and strength improvements. It’s often used during bulking cycles to help users pack on muscle mass while minimizing fat gain.
  • Dosage: The typical dosage for LGD-4033 ranges from 5mg to 10mg per day. It’s advisable to start with a lower dose and adjust based on individual response.
  • Effects: Users commonly report increased muscle mass, enhanced strength, and improved recovery times. LGD-4033 is highly anabolic, making it effective for muscle building without many of the androgenic side effects associated with traditional steroids.

RAD-140 (Testolone):

  • Benefits: RAD-140 is renowned for its potent anabolic effects, often likened to those of testosterone. It’s known for promoting lean muscle mass gains, improving strength, and boosting endurance.
  • Dosage: Typical dosages for RAD-140 range from 10mg to 20mg per day. As with other SARMs, it’s recommended to start with a lower dose and adjust based on individual tolerance and response.
  • Effects: Users commonly experience rapid muscle gains, increased strength, and enhanced endurance. RAD-140 is considered one of the most potent SARMs available and is highly sought after for its performance-enhancing effects.

Combined Effects:

  • Combining YK-11, LGD-4033, and RAD-140 can potentially lead to synergistic effects, resulting in significant muscle gains, improved strength, and enhanced performance. However, it’s crucial to approach such combinations with caution due to the increased potency and potential for side effects.
  • Due to the potency of these compounds, it’s advisable to start with lower doses and gradually increase as needed. Additionally, regular monitoring and consultation with a healthcare professional are essential to ensure safety and mitigate potential risks.


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