Questions from our customers

Please check frequently asked questions by our customers. If your question is not listed in here, you can contact with us for all your inquiries.

You can reach our customer support team through our Contact Us page on the website.

Yes, all Gideon Pharma products are proudly made in Germany. We uphold the highest standards of manufacturing to ensure the quality and authenticity of our products. It’s important to note that, due to the nature of our industry, our producing facility operates under a policy of confidentiality. In compliance with legal and safety regulations, we may need to keep our facility anonymous, and it might be relocated from time to time. Rest assured, this commitment is solely to safeguard the integrity of our operations.

Important Note: We source all our ingredients from the renowned brand Merck, ensuring that only the best components contribute to the excellence of our products. This commitment to quality extends throughout our entire production process, from sourcing to manufacturing, to provide you with products of the highest standard.

If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding our manufacturing processes, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page.

we invite you to connect with us through our Whatsapp number, We value the opportunity to discuss your needs personally and ensure you receive the best service tailored to your requirements. Looking forward to partnering with you!

Our commitment to quality is reflected in the exclusive use of superior pharmaceutical ingredients adhering to the highest Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. Our stringent processes guarantee the highest level of product quality.
Furthermore, our products undergo frequent laboratory testing conducted by Janoshik and Analiza Bialek, ensuring that they consistently meet the highest standards of safety, efficacy, and quality. Our dedication to maintaining these high standards reflects our commitment to delivering products of the utmost quality and efficacy to our valued customers.

“We do not provide specific information about our location due to the legal restrictions and regulations surrounding the sale and manufacture of anabolic steroids globally. The production and distribution of anabolic steroids are either prohibited or strictly regulated in all parts of the world. Therefore, for the safety and confidentiality of our operations, we maintain anonymity. This anonymity is crucial given the sensitive and often illegal nature of this business.”
